D•∞: the utility vehicle for countryside

2005 / Argus Trophy Vehicle, transportation design competition, project selected as a finalist
With François Gonzales

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The initial brief from the contest commissionners was: "Design the utility vehicle that will bring the countryside back to life". Indeed, in rural areas, populations suffer from isolation. Shops and services exist but they are separated through the space. On the contrary, in a city, shops, advertisings, and services are everywhere. In the D•∞, windows are tactile and visual, like a screen. The vehicle is automatically GPS guided and moves without a driver. You touch and choose where you want to go and which services you are interested in.

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The D•∞ creates a feeling of proximity through personal graphic interfaces, in order to improve people visual perception in the rural environment. Inside space is designed to put easily bags and goods, and provides adapted access for handicapped people. The space configuration can be changed.

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